Изберете Уникалните 3D ключодържатели за вас

В Nametag сме специализирани в създаването и производството на персонализирани 3D отпечатани ключодържатели и магнити за хладилник, проектирани с вашето име в зашеметяващи 3D букви за уникално докосване.

A collection of colorful keychains and small decorative trinkets attached to a circular metal band. The items include small keys, abstract shapes, and various metallic and painted charms in bright colors like red, yellow, and blue. The arrangement creates a visually striking mix of textures and forms.
A collection of colorful keychains and small decorative trinkets attached to a circular metal band. The items include small keys, abstract shapes, and various metallic and painted charms in bright colors like red, yellow, and blue. The arrangement creates a visually striking mix of textures and forms.





A keychain with a metallic spiral charm rests on a wooden surface alongside a car key. The keychain ring features engraved text, creating a luxurious and sophisticated impression.
A keychain with a metallic spiral charm rests on a wooden surface alongside a car key. The keychain ring features engraved text, creating a luxurious and sophisticated impression.


Разгледайте нашите уникални 3D отпечатани ключодържатели и магнити за хладилник.

Two keychains lie on an orange quilted fabric background. One keychain is circular, while the other is square. Both have a metallic frame and feature a design with text that reads 'We are exporter of export quality bed sheets' surrounding an image of sheets.
Two keychains lie on an orange quilted fabric background. One keychain is circular, while the other is square. Both have a metallic frame and feature a design with text that reads 'We are exporter of export quality bed sheets' surrounding an image of sheets.
Various colorful 3D-printed creatures and objects are arranged in wooden trays on a table. The objects include dinosaurs, insects, and other shapes made from plastic. The scene is set outdoors with sunlight casting shadows, and each tray has a price label.
Various colorful 3D-printed creatures and objects are arranged in wooden trays on a table. The objects include dinosaurs, insects, and other shapes made from plastic. The scene is set outdoors with sunlight casting shadows, and each tray has a price label.
Two heart-shaped keychains are placed on a surface with a design featuring horizontal stripes of blue and yellow. One keychain displays a sunflower graphic with green leaves, and the other has a trident emblem. The background is composed of vivid blue and yellow colors.
Two heart-shaped keychains are placed on a surface with a design featuring horizontal stripes of blue and yellow. One keychain displays a sunflower graphic with green leaves, and the other has a trident emblem. The background is composed of vivid blue and yellow colors.



A flat, rectangular metal keychain with embossed symbols lies against a dark, smooth flat surface. The keychain has a small circular ring at the top for attachment.
A flat, rectangular metal keychain with embossed symbols lies against a dark, smooth flat surface. The keychain has a small circular ring at the top for attachment.

Нашите дизайни включват персонализирани имена, изработени с прецизност и креативност, превръщайки всяко парче в незабравим спомен, който добавя личен щрих към вашето пространство или вещи.

Three cartoon-style penguin magnets with big eyes and cheerful expressions are attached to a metallic surface. The background has colorful horizontal stripes, adding vibrancy to the scene.
Three cartoon-style penguin magnets with big eyes and cheerful expressions are attached to a metallic surface. The background has colorful horizontal stripes, adding vibrancy to the scene.

Използвайки усъвършенствана технология за 3D печат, ние осигуряваме висококачествени, издръжливи продукти, които демонстрират индивидуалност и стил, идеални за подаръци или лична употреба в ежедневието.